What's New and Exciting

girls in search of cover
Pamela Mshana
It's not everyday that you get to see your book cover up in lights in the middle of Times Square! Celebrating author Pamela Mshana's award we both got to see our work in the middle of New York City!

Luxury Italian Tours promotional sheets
It's certainly been a strange time and I was grateful to welcome my newest client, Kimberly Minarovich owner of Luxury Italian Tours who asked me to design a promotional sheet for her Italian Tour business for when the world opens up again. I learned more about Italy than I ever thought I would and 'traveled' throughout the country as I poured over the gorgeous photos she sent me. The villa collection is amazing. This project gave me hope for the future and was incredibly inspiring.

Audacity of Hope
Barack Obama
Throughout my career I've had the opportunity to work with some very high profile people. My trip out to Chicago for the Audacity of Hope's photo shoot with photographer Deborah Feingold, still sits at the top of my list. Meeting Senator Obama was an incredible experience that I will never, ever forget. He was funny, incredibly charismatic...and he had my vote at 'hello'.
After spending a windy day by the water, we ended up using one of the last shots of the day, of him without his tie sitting on a chair in the hotel room. And the rest is, well, history...

Book Cover Competition Winner 2018
After much deliberation, Pegasus Books have chosen the winning entry for this year's Book Cover Design competition, which will be the cover for their upcoming publication Gatsby's Oxford, by Christopher A. Snyder.
Our winner is Laura Duffy, a graphic designer who has previously worked as an Artistic Director for Simon & Schuster and Random House, and now works as a freelance designer of book covers and websites. Using the Bridgeman Images website to search through our archive of over 3 million images, Laura was able to license art images and history images relevant to the Gatsby topic to create her book design.

Into the Blue
Megan O'Leary
This fun mystery takes place in St. Thomas. Megan wanted a cover that reflected the landscape while giving off a sinister, yet fun feel. I'm very excited to have been part of her team to get this book out!

The Evolved Masculine
Destin Gerek
Destin Gerek, a sexuality and leadership coach for men, came to me with this very interesting, important book that was offering men a new paradigm for relationships with women and themselves, helping them rise and redefine their roles. We worked on many variations of the cover, but I felt strongly that it needed a strong, sexy, contemporary feel. Release in the first week of January 2020 it has been exciting to see it hit Amazon’s bestseller list in its genre right out of the gate!

The Woman God Created You To Be
Kimberla Lawson Roby
Kimberla is a highly successful and prolific writer who came to me to help her package her latest book, The Woman God Created You To Be. Kimberla's book was a perfect example of how a designer can work collaboratively with a client. She's someone who knows what she wants and I was happy to help her get there. I was also proud to be a part of an important book with a wonderful message.

Writing to Be Understood, Anne Janzer
Ann Janzer helps people communicate more effectively through writing. She came to me to help design her third book and wanted it to have a bright, contemporary feel. She was very excited that her book achieved Amazon's #1 New Release status in the Authorship Reference on category!

Beyond Leaning In Book Cover and Podcast Melanie Ho
As Melanie Ho writes in her book's description: "Beyond Leaning In is a different kind of business book—based on research, but told as a novel and designed to spark discussion among friends, family, classmates, and co-workers across genders and generations".
She takes the discussion further on her podcast Beyond Leaning In: John the Discussion.

Stout NYC Restaurant Window Clings
It's always fun to see my work when I'm out in the world. Stout NYC Restaurants asked me to put together window clings on their newest location at 49th Street in Manhattan to hide the behind the scenes renovation that was taking place. It included a map of all their locations throughout NYC as well as a large Stout Man for social media pics.

Christmastime Book Series Linda Mahkovec
In her blog post, The Making of a Book Cover — Christmastime 1939: Prequel to the Christmastime Series, author Linda Mahkovec talks about how I went about creating the imagery for her series of books that tell a story of New York City from 1939 through to 1945. As Linda describes in her post, we worked patiently with each other over the details of the images to create the warmth and charm of Old New York at Christmastime.